Friday, October 7, 2011

Grampa enters the 21st Century

They use to say, "Everyone has 1 book in them". Maybe that's true but perhaps in today's world they SHOULD say, "Everyone has 1 BLOG in them". At any rate, that's what I'm going to find out.

I have created this Blog in order to put in writing my thoughts, opinions, advice, and experiences in hopes that they will teach, inspire, or, frankly, just allow me an opportunity to vent.Essentially this Blog is for me; if you get something out of it then that's a bonus.

I want to say, up front, that I like to have my mind changed about things and, therefore, I welcome your comments, disagreements, and opinions. Obviously I welcome your support as well. Over the years I have changed my position on many topics. Whether this is a function of learning more, thinking more, or just getting older I'm not sure but I like the feeling of growth it gives me. So comment and persuade, argue and justify. I like it.


  1. I disagree with this whole blog!

    J/K I'm interested to hear what you have to share. Love you!

  2. Right, ever to the right. Never to the left, ever to the right!
